Hi, my name is
Hi, my name is
Hi, my name is
Adnan Shabbir Husain
A skilled software developer, having a copious amount of
experience in creating robust digital solutions.
With professionalism, loves to bring ideas to life.
A skilled software developer, having a copious amount of experience in creating robust digital solutions. With professionalism, loves to bring ideas to life.
React Mouse Follower
React based UI/UX component library
framer-motion, react, storybook
Pixel Alien
Godot 4 based 2D platformer - action game
godot4, aseprite, gdscript
A hub for all your roblox scripts
web, full-stack, ui/ux
Sensor Lifeline Backend
Graphql Backend for Sensor Lifeline Project
graphql, expressjs, typescript
Built and managed backend API along with designing database architechture for POC project
Skills - Graphql, Sequelize, Expressjs, Nodejs
Dec 2022 - PresentCollaborated on multiple projects, managed events, conducted sessions.
Skills - Reactjs, HTML, Javascript, Sass
Sep 2022 - PresentAs the team leader, spearheaded the development of web projects and ensured collaborative growth.
Skills - Reactjs, Firebase, Javascript, Sass
Dec 2022 - Apr 2023Built a fullstack webapplication, designed UX and database architechture.
Skills - Reactjs, Nextjs, Expressjs, SQL
Jun 2022 - Feb 2023